The lakes

On the watershed delineation, four large lakes make blue spots in the green countryside of  ” Monts & Lacs en Haut-Languedoc”. With a hydroelectric potential, the lakes offer bathing, fishing, nautical activities and idleness.

Lake of Vésoles

Prized for its pristine natural beauty, the lake of Vésoles is the highest of the Hérault Department. With its 50 hectares wide, it is the 4th larger lake of Hérault. It was impounded in 1956 and is fed by the stream called the “Buraut”. The latter flows into the Jaur, between Olargues and Saint-Pons-de-Thomières.

Heathland, briars and forests surround the lake.  A path allows you to go around the lake in a forest atmosphere on foot or by mountain bike. Picnic areas will allow you regular breaks.  Preserved, the lake shelters a remarkable flora in its peatland. A path leads to the “Saut de Vésoles” (registered on the French list of classified sites in 1946). From the belvedere, an outstanding view on waterfalls and gorges shaped by the “Buraut” stream along a 700m drop. The path of the “1000 stairs” allows to go up the waterfalls. On the D169 road, between  Fraïsse sur Agoût and the pass of Cabaretou. On-site parking.

Lake of Saints Peyres

Located in 4 communes in the Arb Gorgesn the lake has a surface area of 211 hectares and a perimeter of 32 km . It is quite confined and the access points are quite rare and sloping. This particularity explains its deepness (about 25m to 8 km till the dam) and  its narrowness (about 10 kms wide).The lake was impounded in 1935. It is a gravity dam 60m high.  From Anglès, a 27 km circui was built.

In Anglès, the lake permits leisure (walks, recreational boating, fishing). Swimming is forbidden.

Ardent angler, nature and water lover will appreciate this quite spot invites you to daydream.

Lake of Laouzas

The lake of Laouzas spreads over the villages of  Nages and Murat-sur-Vèbre.

323 hectares wide, it is situated at an altitude of  790m. The arch dam (53m high) is the main work of Montahut plant. It drifts the Vèbre streams and its right bank  tributaries such as the Viau as well as the brooks  Rieufrech, Ramières and Pradas. it drifts also the streams of the Agoût, from the Atlantic side to the Mediterranean side. It was impounded in 1965.

In July and August, technical visits explains how the system operates. Hiking trails lead you around the lake. Many spots for fishing too.

The lake of Laouzas is open to all water-based activities.

Lake of La Raviège

The lake of  la Raviège (410 ha) stretches along 12 kms, between the Tarn and Hérault departments. The water impoundment is in Anglès. It is named after the village La Raviège engulfed by the waters of the dam in 1957.

The gravity dam is 40m high with a 227m coping wall. At its edge , the leisure park of the Bouldouïres offers water-based activites. Spots for fishing. Hiking trails to discover the various sides of the lake and the Rebondines Islands..


Small places for idleness

  • Body of water in Espérausses (playground and picnic area)
  • Lake of Rabaudié in Viane (playground and picnic area)
  • Body of water with picnic area in Barre
  • Body of water with picnic area in Castanet-le-Haut (top of the village)